Migration and climate change: what can European cooperation achieve?

The project MAGYC and the Paris office of ECFR are delighted to invite you to a public virtual debate « Migration and climate change: what can European cooperation achieve?»

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François Gemenne, Director of the Hugo Observatory, University of Liège

Caroline Zickgraf, Deputy Director of the Hugo Observatory, Univesity of Liège

Chloe Teevan, Policy Officer, European Centre for Development Policy Management

Chaired by

Susi Dennison, Director of the European Power programme, ECFR

Registration required on Zoom here.

The project MAGYC and the Paris office of ECFR are delighted to invite you to a public virtual debate « Migration and climate change: what can European cooperation achieve?».

European states have answered to the coronavirus crisis by closing their borders. But if this might stop the virus, it cannot stop CO2 emissions, and a proliferation of national answers is the contrary of what is needed to tackle climate change. As European countries understand that economy, stability, peace and security are all impacted by climate change, the migration issue will become even more pressing in the next half of this century, when conflicts over resources and land increase. What can European member states do today to act on the scale of the migration flows of the next decades? How can the European Union ensure that its member states do not withdraw into themselves as they did in the first weeks of the Covid crisis but enhance cooperation? How useful with the Green New Deal be to exit this crisis?

Second seminar of a partnership between the H2020 project MAGYC and ECFR “Crises, migration and European cooperation”.


François Gemenne is the Director of the Hugo Observatory, a research centre dedicated to the study of environmental migration at the University of Liège (Belgium), where he is a FNRS senior research associate. He is also a lecturer at Sciences Po Paris. He has been appointed as lead author of the forthcoming 6th IPCC Assessment Report (Working group 2, Chapter 8 on Poverty, Livelihoods and Sustainable Development). He has been involved in a large number of international research projects on migration and environmental issues, including EACH-FOR, HELIX, DEVAST and MECLEP, for which he was the global research coordinator. 

Caroline Zickgraf is Deputy Director of the Hugo Observatory: Environment, Migration, Politics. She is also a lecturer at Sciences Po Paris. Caroline has been involved in several international research projects, including the HELIX project, an EU-funded FP7 programme on high-end climate change (2013-2017). Since its launch in 2016, she has led ULg in the Horizon 2020 “EDGE” project, a partnership between the University of Economics in Bratislava, Sciences Po Paris and the University of Liège on environmental diplomacy and geopolitics.

Chloe Teevan is a Policy Officer in the European External Affairs programme of the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM), where her work focuses on EU-AU relations, the Geopolitical Commission and the Africa strategies of the EU and its member states. She is also the focal point for ECDPM’s North Africa work.

Susi Dennison is a senior policy fellow at ECFR. Her topics of focus include the strategy, politics and governance of European foreign policy; migration, and the toolkit for Europe as a global actor. At ECFR, Dennison leads the European Power programme, which explores how to protect European interests in the post-corona era,  balancing the tensions between building European sovereignty and shaping a rules-based international system.  She previously led ECFR’s foreign policy scorecard project for five years and worked with the MENA programme on North Africa.